R&D Tax Credits

We are consultants working with tax specialists

Many businesses are advised in good faith by their accountants or come to the conclusion inhouse that they aren’t eligible to claim R&D Tax Credits, sadly this means so many qualifying Companies rule themselves out and miss out on money they are entitled to. As it costs nothing to get an expert opinion its worth getting in touch as this could be worth thousands to your business. Typically SMEs can claim up to 33% of the costs they have incurred on qualifying R&D. As our experts know exactly what HMRC are looking for you can be assured the claims are as accurate as possible.

We are consultants working with tax specialists

Many businesses are advised in good faith by their accountants or come to the conclusion inhouse that they aren’t eligible to claim R&D Tax Credits, sadly this means so many qualifying Companies rule themselves out and miss out on money they are entitled to. As it costs nothing to get an expert opinion its worth getting in touch as this could be worth thousands to your business. Typically SMEs can claim up to 33% of the costs they have incurred on qualifying R&D. As our experts know exactly what HMRC are looking for you can be assured the claims are as accurate as possible.

In addition our experts can maximise claims by significant sums, in some cases 200% for those who have claimed R&D previously going directly through their accountant or internally.

In addition our experts can maximise claims by significant sums,
in some cases 200% for those who have claimed R&D previously going directly through their accountant or internally.

No Win No Fee R&D Credits

Our specialists offer a free consultation and are paid on a successful claim basis. No win, no fee.

Many businesses & organisations can claim up to 33% of the costs they have incurred on qualifying R&D as well as making considerable cost reductions in other areas.

Eligible R&D Expenditure

  • employee costs-with technical or scientific background?
  • Do you improve materials, processes, devices, services?
  • Design and make new products?
  • Develop software or IT solutions?
  • Have you invested in failed projects or products that never launched?
  • utilities
  • specially commissioned parts for prototypes
  • software bought for R&D work
  • sub-contractor costs
  • proportion of variable overheads

 Only companies that are subject to UK corporation tax can benefit from the schemes. This does not exclude those that are loss making or for outsourced work overseas as long as the costs were incurred by your UK Business you can still make a claim.

More Companies Are Eligible

A company is classed as an SME for R&D tax purposes if it has fewer than 500 employees (company or group) and a turnover below €100 million or gross assets of less than €86 million.
*Please note a company isn’t classified an SME if it is part of a larger enterprise that when taken as a whole would fail the above test.

Large Companies
A company (or group) is regarded as a Large Company if it exceeds the SME thresholds.
*There are currently no restrictions on which industry sectors can apply (*June 2020).

Retrospective R&D Tax Credit Claims
Whether you’re profitable or loss-making, it’s also possible to retrospectively claim for R&D projects undertaken during your previous two accounting periods.

It costs nothing to find out if you are eligible
All of our specialists R&D Tax Credit claim work is carried out on a no win, no fee basis. There are no hidden costs or charges so there is no risk to you to find out whether you are eligible. In the unlikely event your claim is unsuccessful you will pay nothing.

Changed processes or diversified Business due to Covid-19?

R&D Tax Credits are a valuable source of funding for businesses who are innovative at any time but now more than ever it’s important to ensure your business is receiving its full entitlement. The cash injection could make such a difference during these uncertain times. As many businesses have adapted to new ways of working during the Coronavirus crisis, it could be that changes made to your operations and procedures may now qualify for R&D tax relief. There are also many examples of companies emerging into new markets to manufacture medical equipment and supplies to aid the COVID-19 relief effort. Companies actively changing their processes and products may be able to significantly increase their claim.
Business tax rebates

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